Returns & Exchange
We understand that sometimes a product might not meet your expectations, or there might be a defect or issue with your purchase. That’s why we have a hassle-free return policy to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your shopping experience.
Our return policy allows you to return any unused or defective item within 15 days of delivery. To initiate a return, please contact our customer service team with your order number and details of the item you wish to return.
If the product is defective or there was an error with your order, we will cover the cost of shipping. However, if you simply changed your mind or ordered the wrong product, you will be responsible for the shipping costs .
Once we receive your return, we will inspect the item to ensure that it is in its original condition and packaging. If everything checks out, we will process your refund within 3-5 business days.
Please note that we cannot accept returns on final sale items or items that have been used or damaged by the customer.
If you have any questions or concerns about our return policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help and ensure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase.